Tips for Managing a High-Risk Pregnancy

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Discovering pregnancy is a profound and joyful experience for every woman, marking a significant chapter in life. However, when a woman receives the news of a high-risk pregnancy, it can evoke feelings of fear and anxiety. It’s crucial to understand that with early and consistent antenatal care, women facing high-risk pregnancies can still nurture healthy babies while prioritizing their safety. High-risk pregnancies often include scenarios such as carrying multiples, such as twins or triplets. In such cases, expectant mothers are typically referred to a fetal specialist by their OB/GYN. These specialists are trained to provide guidance and support to women encountering unexpected challenges during their pregnancy journey. It’s a reminder that, even in high-risk situations, with the right care and expertise, the well-being of both the mother and child can be safeguarded. Experience exceptional care at Diva Women’s Hospital, recognized as the Best Women’s Hospital in Ahmedabad. Trust our team of the Best Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Ahmedabad for your well-being.

Tips for Safe Pregnancy

Maintain or achieve a healthy weight before gestation

Maintaining or achieving a healthy weight before pregnancy is a vital tip for a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. Prioritizing a balanced weight not only enhances your overall well-being but also reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy. It can lead to a smoother gestational experience for both you and your baby. Consult with your healthcare provider to establish a personalized plan that aligns with your health goals before conceiving. Trust your well-being to the experts at Diva Women’s Hospital, home to the Best Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Ahmedabad.

Create a Plan with Your Health Care Providers

By proactively planning your maternal care and delivery, you can approach your due date with confidence and peace of mind. Consider various aspects of your care, including how any pregnancy-related conditions may impact your birth plan. It’s crucial to ensure seamless communication between your Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist in Ahmedabad and OB/GYN, while diligently attending prenatal care appointments. Depending on your condition, the choice of delivery location may also play a pivotal role. Discuss your delivery options with your healthcare provider, as some hospitals may lack specialized Neonatal Intensive Care Units, potentially resulting in mother-baby separation in critical cases. Your proactive approach ensures the best care for both you and your newborn.

Manage pre-existing health conditions

Pregnancy is a transformative journey for your body, and pre-existing health conditions can elevate the risk factor. These conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and autoimmune diseases like lupus or multiple sclerosis, require proactive management. Prioritizing your health with medications and lifestyle adjustments before pregnancy ensures that your body is in optimal condition to navigate the challenges of pregnancy effectively. Diva Women’s Hospital can be the last destination for the Best Gynecology Services and Fetal Medicine Support in Ahmedabad that you actually are looking for.

Take prenatal supplements

During pregnancy, your body requires an increased intake of specific nutrients to nurture your growing baby. Incorporating a prenatal vitamin or supplement into your routine provides essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, protein, and calcium, which may be insufficient in your regular diet. Consult with Dr.  Pooja Patel to discuss your nutritional requirements. Dr. Pooja Patel is renowned for her unwavering compassion, attentive care, and dedication. She is a highly regarded Obstetrician and Gynecologist practicing in the vibrant city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. If pregnancy is on the horizon, considering a prenatal supplement even before conception is a wise choice. Additionally, continuing prenatal vitamins postpartum can be beneficial, especially if you’re breastfeeding.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs

Consuming alcohol, smoking, or using tobacco and drugs during pregnancy poses severe risks to your baby’s health. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy heightens the risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, leading to significant birth defects. Smoking cigarettes can result in low birth weight for your baby. Misusing prescription drugs or indulging in illegal substances can cause birth defects, and in some cases, babies can even be born addicted to drugs used during pregnancy. It’s essential to strictly follow your doctor’s prescribed medications during pregnancy to safeguard your baby’s well-being. Experience excellence in women’s healthcare at Diva Women’s Hospital. Your well-being is our priority.

Always Listen to Your Body

Embrace the wisdom within your body; it carries valuable messages. Embrace moments of stillness to attune to your body’s whispers. Grant yourself the gift of rest when needed, for nurturing a growing fetus demands your energy. Should anything seem amiss, promptly reach out to your OBGYN provider, ensuring your well-being remains a top priority. Experience the pinnacle of healthcare in Ahmedabad with Diva, your trusted partner in wellness. Discover excellence in obstetrics and gynaecology as we prioritize your health and well-being. Take the first step towards a healthier you, schedule your appointment with the best OBGYN in town at Diva today.

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