Do’s & Don’ts For A Safe And Healthy Pregnancy

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Every other expecting mother would be wondering how to keep their baby safe and healthy during their pregnancy period. There is literally nothing over the board or major that you need to do, but a few adjustments can make a difference. 

Certain things are generally not healthy for us in everyday life, but it goes intense when you are expecting. Although you don’t have to change your routine majorly; doing exercise, sleep schedule, eating time, etc. 

There are some things you need to make sure you avoid in order to stay consistent with your healthy every day:

  • Tobacco, alcohol and consumption of other harmful substances.
  • Heavy lifting.
  • Limit your caffeine consumption as much as possible – best if you avoid it.
  • Raw or uncooked meat, chicken, fish or eggs.
  • Hazardous chemicals and toxins used in cleaners
  • Taking hot baths and getting in hot tubs.
  • Avoid sports like diving
  • Avoid losing weight actively

Things to do during pregnancy in order to keep yourself and your little one safe and healthy:

  • Take folic acid and Vitamin D supplements
  • Eat whole grains in order to provide nutrients to your body
  • Stay active 
  • Exercise regularly as much as comfortable 
  • Consider vaccinations if any important
  • Take care of your mental health and stress level


  • Load up on folate, calcium, iron, zinc & fiber

You must’ve heard it several times but here’s one more time- there is no nutrient so important as folate or folic acid during the first six weeks of pregnancy. Vitamin B can reduce the risk of neural-tube defects by 70%. 

You can get a daily minimum of 400 micrograms (600 is recommended) from beans and legumes, citrus fruits and juices, dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, poultry, pork, and fish, but folate from food is not as well absorbed as folic acid, for that you need to take a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement. 

A daily dose of 1200 milligrams from low-fat dairy products, dark green vegetables, and fortified orange juice, and soy products – plays a key role when your baby’s bone and tooth development reaches its peak. Getting enough minerals can protect your own bones too, as the fetus leaches calcium from your body. Aim for 30 milligrams of Iron per day; it is important for supporting your 50 percent increase in blood volume and is very crucial. As iron is difficult to get from the diet, boost iron absorption by combining iron-rich foods with vitamin C sources. 

Your zinc requirement increases by 50 percent to 15 milligrams per day when you’re pregnant. Zinc deficiencies have been linked with birth defects, restricted fetal growth, and premature delivery. Although nuts, whole grains and legumes are good sources, the mineral is best absorbed from seafood and meat. 

Fiber helps prevent or reduce constipation, which is a common pregnancy complaint that can lead to hemorrhoids, and it makes you feel fuller longer; aim for 25 milligrams to 35 milligrams a day.

Read also: Nutrition During Pregnancy: 10 Do’s and Don’ts

  • Eat a rainbow of foods

Not only do all kinds of nutrients make you and your baby healthy but also introduce a new taste to your little munchkin via the amniotic fluid. Although if you cannot consume too much food, there is no need to stress about it! It is great if you can eat a variety of nutritious foods. Deep-hued fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, carrots, and spinach tend to be richest in antioxidants. 

  • Choose organic and no pesticides

Pesticides cause possible premature births and birth defects. Washing your products can help, but is not enough. The types of produce harboring the highest pesticide concentrations tend to be fruits and vegetables with thin skins, such as peaches, apples, bell peppers, and strawberries.

  • Get your omega-3 fatty acids

A diet rich in omega-3 can boost your baby’s neurological and brain development before birth, likely leading to better vision, memory, and language comprehension in early childhood. It may also reduce your risk of postpartum depression. Flaxseed oil, walnuts, and omega-3-fortified eggs are good sources of ALA, one of the three omega-3 fats, but fatty fish are the only reliable sources of the two more important omega-3s. It is recommended for pregnant and expectant mothers to get at least 300 milligrams of DHA in their daily diet. 

Read also: Important Things to Consider Before, During, and After Pregnancy


  • Don’t literally eat for two

Half of the women gain too much weight during pregnancy. The research suggests that when expectant mothers gain excess weight, the babies have a higher risk of obesity later in life. Plus mothers tend to retain extra poundage after giving birth. Make sure you don’t end up eating more than your body needs. But rather than count calories, simply eat until you feel satisfied, and not more. If you have a problem with portion control, seek the guidance of a registered dietitian. 

Read also: Climbing Stairs During Pregnancy: When Is It Safe And When To Avoid?

  • Don’t overdose on refined carbs

White bread, white rice, sweets, and sodas rush into your bloodstream, perforating your blood glucose levels. This may result in obese newborns, who are at greater risk of being overweight later in life. Limit carbs and choose unrefined grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat tortillas, and bread. 

  • Don’t ignore food safety

Make sure you double-check your food ingredients to protect yourself and your baby from harmful bacteria. Don’t eat uncooked and raw meat, poultry, eggs, or seafood and leftover food that has been sitting out for more than 2-3 hours. Check your cheese package label to ensure they are made with pasteurized milk; unpasteurized soft cheese can harbor Listeria, which can lead to premature delivery, miscarriage or stillbirth. If you find no label, better not take a chance. If you are facing complications in getting pregnant, then must visit Diva Women’s Hospital, as we offer Ovulation Induction Drugs.

Apart from this, make sure you do preconception counseling, regular antenatal checkup, etc from your healthcare provider. We offer the best maternity, gynecology, fetal medicine, and breastfeeding support with the help of experienced doctors and nursing staff. Book your appointment today with us.

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